The Collegium Philosophicum Luganense

Thanks to the "patronage" of the City of Lugano, the students of Collegium Philosophicum Luganense have at their disposal some electric bicycles and can take advantage of special discounts on public transport.


The Collegium Philosophicum is the first university college in the Swiss Canton of Ticino, which is open to excellent students from the Faculties on the University Campus of Lugano and to students from the Swiss Italian Conservatory of Music.

The Collegium Philosophicum offers not only board and lodging but also academic support.

The Collegium Philosophicum provides a variety of scholarships. Applications for these scholarships will take into account both merit and the financial situation of applicants.

The fees for board, lodging and academic support range from a minimum of 400 CHF a month to a maximum of 1,500 CHF a month for a total of 10 months per year.





The guiding principles of the Collegium Philosophicum

The Collegium Philosophicum is a university college that aims to promote excellence and the spirit of service. Applicants are selected on the basis of merit and college fees are determined on the basis of a student’s financial situation. The Collegium Philosophicum awards scholarships to deserving students. It offers courses on academic and cultural topics, training in rhetoric, argumentation and critical thinking as well as individual supervision. Students are expected to contribute to the personal and cultural development of other students and of the society of which the Collegium Philosophicum is a part.

The academic education provided by the Collegium Philosophicum, which complements that offered by the institutions in which its students are enrolled, takes its inspiration from the college systems of Cambridge and Oxford. It has a special focus on philosophy and takes the form of seminars and debates, the aim of which is to develop logical and rhetorical skills as well as the ability to debate a question (on the model of medieval “quaestiones disputatae” and of British “debating societies”).

The cultural education offered by the Collegium Philosophicum pays special attention to political and social philosophy, in particular to Swiss cultural and political traditions, and aims to transmit knowledge and understanding of the principles of Swiss political history and their unique value.

The ideal of individual growth is furthered by the active participation of senior students in the tutoring of junior students, and by the participation of all students in a variety of cultural, athletic, and other activities.

The education offered by the Collegium Philosophicum complements the one provided by the university or conservatory in which a student is enrolled. The Collegium Philosophicum does not offer university degrees or educational qualifications.

The Collegium Philosophicum is a non-profit organization.



The Collegium Philosophicum expects active participation on the part of students in all areas of its communal life, including sports, recreation and voluntary service.

Students should be prepared to contribute to household chores.


Academic support includes:

1) personal tutoring given by well qualified senior students or by postgraduates;

2) seminars, in Italian and English, especially in philosophy, one aim of which is the development of critical, rhetorical, logical and cross cultural communicative skills (on the model of the medieval "quaestiones disputatae" and of British university debating societies);

3) seminars, in Italian and English, on Swiss history, culture and politics:

4) lectures, in Italian and English, organized in response to the interests of students.


Program of seminars and lectures for the academic year 2015-2016



1. Diritti – senso e nonsenso:

Prof. Kevin Mulligan

2. Due idee di libertà e tre idee di potere. Riflessioni sulla Svizzera

Prof. Carlo Lottieri

3. Seminario: il Galateo

Prof.  Carlo Ossola; Prof. Giovanni Ventimiglia


I semestre

  • Prof. Sir. A. Kenny (University of Oxford)
  • Prof.ssa M. R. Antognazza (King's College London)
  • Prof. L. Cesalli (Université de Genève)
  • Prof. E. Berti (Università di Padova)




1) Diritti – senso e non senso

Prof. Kevin Mulligan

2) Islam, povertà e tecnologia: tre dibattiti

Prof. Marco Luigi Bassani


  • Prof. Dr. Paolo Crivelli (Université de Genève)
  • Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Soldati (Université de Fribourg)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Savagnone (Università LUMSA di Palermo)
  • Dott. Rodolfo Schnyder von Wartenseen; Dott. Sebastiano Brenni; Don Luigi Pessina - Il volontariato in Canton Ticino e l'Ordine di Malta
  • Dott. Claudio Zampa
  • Prof. Dr. Costantino Esposito (Università di Bari)
  • Prof.ssa Laura Palazzani (Università LUMSA di Roma)

Academic Board

Sir Anthony Kenny (Oxford)

Alain De Libera (Paris - College de France)

Winfried Löffler (Innsbruck)

Carlo Ossola (Paris - College de France e USI)

Laura Palazzani (Roma - LUMSA)

Peter Simons (Dublin - Trinity College)

Gianfranco Soldati (Fribourg)

Achille Varzi (New York - Columbia)


President:Prof. Dr. Giovanni Ventimiglia

Director: Dott. Fabrizio Ammirati

Vice Director: Dr. Damiano Costa

Administrative Director: Catrina Granata (MA Phil.)


Phone: +41 (0)58 666 45 77 –  +41 (0)79 581 42 85

Email: <> – Website:


Lodging information

The Collegium Philosophicum is located in Breganzona.

The Collegium Philosophicum consists of single rooms and several common rooms (each with a small kitchen). The villa is located within a magnificent park and has a panoramic view of Lake Lugano and its surroundings.

Facilities include: a seminar room with a terrace, a library for students, an assembly room, and a chapel.

Outside facilities include: a park, a basketball court, a grass football field, a covered bicycle area, and a limited number of parking areas..

The villa contains a dining  hall and each floor has its own laundry.


College fees

The fees for board, lodging and academic support range from a minimum of 400 CHF a month to a maximum of 1,500 CHF a month for a total of 10 months per year.

Lodging covers the rent of a room and services (electricity, gas, heating, water, laundry, external maintenance and internet access).

Board covers breakfast on weekdays, dinner seven days a week, lunch at weekends, depending on the academic calendar.

Academic support includes tutoring (study assistance), seminars, lectures and debates.

Not included are breakfast on weekdays (for which students may use the small kitchen in the common room), weekday lunches (for which students may use the college dining hall at a reduced price, except on Wednesdays), parking spaces (80 CHF a month).


Scholarships and readmission

The Collegium Philosophicum provides a variety of scholarships, which will be granted on after an evaluation which takes into account the financial situation of applicants.

Readmission to the Collegium Philosophicum for the next academic year is subject to approval by the Director. Students whose average grade is inferior to 8 will not be readmitted.